Creepypasta, Or Internet Scares, If You're Bored At Work

Creepypasta, short viral horror stories that usually take the form of urban legends, have been around for roughly a decade, being passed around reddit and other forums. With both his parents dead, this meant that the now twenty-year-old Isaac inherited the dusty old house he spent the earlier half of his childhood in. Laughing Jack was quite surprised when he heard his old friend's footsteps walking up the stairs to the attic room for the first time in thirteen years, however it was not the reunion Jack had hoped for.

He then made his way to the foot of the torture bed, where with one hand he held down the boy's left leg. There aren't many people out there that have not heard of this story, and if you haven't, it's worth the read. The last 5 seconds of this episode show his body on the bed, on his side, one eye dangling on what's left of his head above the floor, staring blankly at Creepy it. Then the episode ends.

Brevity is nearly always a virtue in creepypasta — as a form of meme, it lives and dies by being read, copied and shared, and fast-acting stories have an obvious advantage. When she noticed Jeff's eyes cracking open, she sauntered over to his bed, and began speaking in a tone that simply oozed false joviality.

In the timeless night, while the convicts fitfully slept, with the aid of a set of stolen blueprints and his new mind reading device, he raided their memories cell by cell at liberty to savor the forbidden thrill of thefts, molestations, moonlit homicides, in secret, without remorse or consequence.

The police or other guardians couldn't protect him from the horrors of the world like he could, and if he had to kill various people to find him, then so be it. The myth of a sinister black-ops mind-control arcade game is so appealing that people have built and photographed ‘real' Polybius units.

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